VR Tower Defence

Made by Jordi van der Lem

A C# project




When playing a tower defence game, you obviously want to be able to place towers. That is why I made multiple towers that can be placed on the battle field.

The map is made in a grid, so that a tower will only take up one place. If a place is occupied by a tower, its position cannot be used for placing an additional tower.

In this tower defence game you have multiple towers that do different things like: Generating money, boosting other towers, AOI damage or single target damage. With these effects, the player can make interesting mazes and has to think about the strategy he is going to use.



The User Interface (UI) is a key part of games. That is why I made my UI fun to use. The UI will be opened when the player looks at his wrist. This will make it feel natural and easy to use just like a watch.

The UI shows what the player can use and buy like potions and turrets. In the UI, the player can also see what type of armor enemies have and make descisions based on that information

This portable UI is made by using the unity canvas and making some modifications to it so it could be used in VR./p>


The Gun

This tower defence game is not only about placing towers. In this game you need to fight along side your towers. That is why the player is equipped with a small pistol.

The gun is not the most accurate, but can be upgraded later in the game. The gun provides a ranged option for killing enemies.

If the player drops the gun, it will be teleported to the holster on the right side of the player. This pistol holder resembles a holster cowboys would use to draw their weapons.



Enemies in tower defence games often follow an already predetermined path. In this game, however, they use pathfinding to find a path while walking. This mechanism allows the making of mazes and very interesting decision making.


The Sword

Sometimes the player does not want a pistol but something they can use to show their own strength. This is why I included a sword in the game. The sword tracks the velocity of yielding by the player and uses that to calculate how much damage the player will deal to the enemy.

The damage of the sword is calculated in a fascinating way: The calculation goes exponential. This means that if the player swings the sword faster, it will deal disproportional damage. This mechanism forces the player to stay active in the game and have a option for a massive damage boost if the player puts in the effort.



To make the sword even more appealing to the player, I added potions. These potions can be used to buff up the sword with some extra effects like adding extra damage by setting the sword on fire. Another effect is adding poisen to the sword - this will poisen the enemy and will damage them over time. Last but not least is the frost potion. This potion will inflict a stackable slowing effect to a enemy.

Using a potion is very interesting. If the player wants the effect of the potion on the blade, the player needs to poor it over the blade and flick the blade so that the effect will activate. This mechanism adds a feeling of power, fun and strategy because it takes time to apply an effect.